


Surveyed Communities

Community 1 - 200 households in Nicaragua, 18 households in the United States, 20 households in Costa Rica

Community 2 - 195 households in Nicaragua, 6 households in the United States, 21 households in Costa Rica

Community 3 - 202 households in Nicaragua, 22 households in the United States, 11 households in Costa Rica

Community 4 - 200 households in Nicaragua and 2 in the Costa Rica

Community 4 is located in the departamento of Madriz, in the north of Nicaragua. It is a rural community, distant about 5 km. from the main highway. It presents a poor level of development and infrastructure. Most of its inhabitants live in very modest conditions.

During the contra war (decade of 1980) some fighting took place in the community. During the Sandinista administration (1979-1990) several “convenios de hermanamiento” (“siblinghood agreements”) with Spanish communities were implemented. They are still at work, and have contributed support for the development of certain publich health infrastructure (such as a sewage system) as well as housing. The latter both in the urban zone of the municipio as well as in some of its rural villages.

The economic activity is mainly agriculture, with a predominance of coffee cultivation. There is moderate services and commerce activity, mainly directed to satisfy the needs of local farmers and their families in the community and the surrounding rural areas.

There is no sewage disposal in the community dwellings. However, the urban zone or community center features running potable water and electricity. Few houses have a telephone. Educational options are limited, but they include both primary and secondary schooling. The health infrastructure only includes a clinic for maternal-infant care and some minor emergencies. Most community streets are not paved.

Community 5 - 200 households in Nicaragua, 2 households in the United States, 19 households in Costa Rica

Community 6 & 7 - 100 households in Nicaragua for Community 6, 100 households in Nicaragua for Community 7, 10 households in the United States, 18 households in Costa Rica for both communities

Community 8 - 201 households in Nicaragua, 3 households in the United States, 13 households in Costa Rica

Community 9 - 200 households in Nicaragua, 4 households in the United States, 22 households in Costa Rica

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