Surveyed Communities
Community 1 - 200 households in Nicaragua, 18 households in the United States, 20 households in Costa Rica
Community 2 - 195 households in Nicaragua, 6 households in the United States, 21 households in Costa Rica
Community 3 - 202 households in Nicaragua, 22 households in the United States, 11 households in Costa Rica
Community 3, located in the north-central region of the country at approximately 90 km. NW from Managua, is the capital of one of the municipios of the departamento of Estelí. This community has made significant contributions to the vast body of national legends and traditions. The community suffered the armed conflict in the 1970s and the contra war in the 1980s. While there was no open combat in the community, there were disappeareances and violent deaths, particularly among the young, which triggered their out-migration toward other regions within the country and abroad.
The main economic activity is the elaboration of food products, especially flower. There is also some crafting and manufacturing activity. Most products are marketed in the community itself and the nearby areas, but some have reached national distribution. Because the community is close to larger urban centers, including the country’s capital, its residents have been successful securing jobs in services, the government and commerce.
There is a maternal-infant clinic and a hospital of medium complexity, which operates as a national training center for health professionals. Most dwellings feature sewage disposal, running water and electricity. Telephone service is limited. Most streets are not paved. There is some variety of educational establishments, for both primary and secondary school. Most schools are privately administered. Some of them offer low-cost tuition and fees.
Community 4 - 200 households in Nicaragua, 2 households in Costa Rica
Community 5 - 200 households in Nicaragua, 2 households in the United States, 19 households in Costa Rica
Community 6 & 7 - 100 households in Nicaragua for Community 6, 100 households in Nicaragua for Community 7, 10 households in the United States, 18 households in Costa Rica for both communities
Community 8 - 201 households in Nicaragua, 3 households in the United States, 13 households in Costa Rica
Community 9 - 200 households in Nicaragua, 4 households in the United States, 22 households in Costa Rica