


Surveyed Communities

Community 1 - 200 households in Colombia

Community 2 - 200 households in Colombia and 1 household in the U.S.

Community 3 - 200 households in Colombia and 2 households in the U.S.

Community 4 - 200 households in Colombia and 11 households in the U.S.

Community 5 - 200 households in Colombia

Community 6 - 200 households in Colombia

Community 7 - 200 households in Colombia

Community 8 - 200 households in Colombia and 1 household in the U.S.

Community 9 - 200 households in Colombia and 1 household in the U.S.

Community 10 - 200 households in Colombia

Community 11 - 200 households in Colombia and 2 households in the U.S.

Community 12 - 200 households in Colombia and 2 households in the U.S.

Community 13 - 200 households in Colombia

Community 14 - 200 households in Colombia

This comuna is part of the third largest city of Colombia. It covers 9.4% of the total area of the municipio with a bit more of 1000 hectares. This comuna has 22 barrios, 11 urban areas (or closed gatherings) which contaning about 30,000 households. 4.8% of the total population of the city lives in this comuna; this is about 100,000 persons: 43.5% are males and 56.5% are females. Three of every ten persons have a bachelors degree. Households belong to the medium class. This comuna is characterized because it offers the most services and houses 23.9% economic units that manufacture medical and optic instruments. It has all infrastructure and basic services of the households. About 10.4% of all households have international migration experience, and it is the second comuna with the highest migration prevalence of the city.

Community 9999 - 12 households in the U.S. These households were done to migrants from Colombia who were born outside our 14 communities.



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