Surveyed Communities
Community 1 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 2 - 200 households in Colombia and 1 household in the U.S.
Community 3 - 200 households in Colombia and 2 households in the U.S.
Community 4 - 200 households in Colombia and 11 households in the U.S.
Community 5 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 6 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 7 - 200 households in Colombia
This community is one of the 32 barrios founded in 1985. 98% of the households have sewer, running water, electricity, and natural gas. It is located in an urban setting, in between two important municipios of this department. It is a strategic poing that has allowed its development as an industrial area of Risaralda. Industry ranges from production to exportation of durable and non-durable goods. This supplies neighboring municipios, and covers part of natilnal exportations. 21.6% of its commerce is industry; 54.1% is dedicated to commerce; 22.2% to services, and only 2.1% to other activity.
Geographically, this community is located in the central mountain rage, neighboring with other municipios of Risaralda in all directions. This community is closely connected to another municipio by a bridge, facilitating the mobility of people from one place to another... with a 5 minute distance. This community is known as the satellite of the capital, and its people feel close to both places.
As its population: 47% are women and 52% are males. Education wise, 39.4% of its population has reached basic education; 37% secondary (middle school) education; 3.6% som college, and and only 0.5% some advanced degree. About 8.4% does not have any education level.
Housing construction is varied, and directed towards families. Its social surrounding is conformed not only by companies, but also by small informal business on the streets and small commercial places, mostly the ones that give internationl telephone service.
Community 8 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 9 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 10 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 11 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 12 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 13 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 14 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 9999 - 12 households in the U.S. These households were done to migrants from Colombia who were born outside our 14 communities.