Surveyed Communities
Community 1 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 2 - 200 households in Colombia and 1 household in the U.S.
Community 3 - 200 households in Colombia and 2 households in the U.S.
Community 4 - 200 households in Colombia and 11 households in the U.S.
Community 5 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 6 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 7 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 8 - 200 households in Colombia and 1 household in the U.S.
Community 9 - 200 households in Colombia and 1 household in the U.S.
Community 10 - 200 households in Colombia
This community is located at sea level with a median temperatura of 27 centigrades year round. The Magdalena Department is located to its East; Puerto Colombia and Caribbean Sea is located to its North; Puerto Colombia, Galapa, and Tubará are located West of the community; and, the Soledad municipio is on the Southern part.
98% of its population has electricity, while 54% has telephone services. It is an industrial center. Its economy is dynamic and gathers comerce, finances, and fishing. It has two ports which connects this area and economy to the rest of Colombia through the Magdalena river and the other one is the one that goes to the Caribbean Sea, which connects its commerce with Europe.
Community 11 - 200 households in Colombia and 3 households in the U.S.
Community 12 - 200 households in Colombia and 2 households in the U.S.
Community 13 - 200 households in Colombia
Community 14 - 200 households in Colombia