A person-level file that provides general demographic information and a few migration measures for each member of a surveyed household, and for other children of the household head who are no longer members of the household. Data include age, sex, relationship to head of household, marital status, current economic indicators, and characteristics of the first and last migration trips abroad and to Uruguay.
A person-level file that provides data on all informants with labor or residential experience in Uruguay. Hence, each record corresponds to the migrant who answered the survey. It contains measures of economic and social activity in Uruguay. Some refer to the migratory experience in general, while others specifically target the most recent trip.
HOUSEA household-level file containing information on household composition, economic and migratory activity of household members and other relatives, housing during the first year in Uruguay, and home and business ownership. Each record corresponds to a household.
An event-history file where each record is a person-year. Life file details the labor and family histories of each informant, for each year since birth until the year of the survey. These data are supplemented by various time-constant variables gleaned from the previous three data files.
An event-history file where each record is a person-year. Spouse file details the labor history of each spouse of household head, for each year since birth until the year of the survey.
In addition, we are provinding supplementary datasets. They can be downloaded directly from our Documentaion page.
This file provides some basic economic and demographic information about Uruguay.
Respondent-driven sampling (RDS), combines "snowball sampling" with a mathematical model that weights the sample to compensate for the fact that the sample was collected in a non-random way. We are providing a small datasets with the RDS numbers in order for each user to construct their own weights. You will also find a Do File with a sample programing for this.