Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico

How to cite LAMP and its data


You may introduce LAMP using a quote such as the following: "The Latin American Migration Project (LAMP) is a collaborative research project based at Princeton University and the University of Guadalajara, supported by the National Institute of CHild Health and Human Development (NICHD)."

Please cite the LAMP webiste: http://lamp.opr.princeton.edu/

Other references to the LAMP or its survey methodology can be taken from our website at your discretion. For example, this site offers a description of the communities surveyed in each country, and presents the questionnaire used in each survey. When citing our website, refer only to the address specifed aboce and not to specific menus within it, as the website design may change over time. THere is no need to use quotes when copying text from the LAMP website..

More on LAMP-PR5 Databases

We ask you to cite the PERU database as "LAMP-PR5". For your reference, the number 5 stand for the number of communities included in each of the databases (this number will change in the future as we add data from additional communities in some of these countries.) They do not represent the number of communities included in a user's own work. Thus, in case you decide to discard data from one or more entire communities, we still ask you not to change this reference and cite your original data source as specified above.



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