Costa Rica
CR7 - Caution! Changes in LAMP-CR7 data
July 7, 2003
Variable REMUSSIZ reports the relative size of remittances that the household receives from the United States. The correct value labels for both variables are: 1. Small, 2. Intermediate, 3. Substantial. In the HOUSE codebook for Costa Rica the codes fore REMUSSIZ were accidentally inverted, with 1 assigned to "substantial." The problem has been corrected and the correct codebooks are available for download.
March 10, 2003
Codes for US documentation variables were wrong in MIG, MIGOTHER, LIFE, and SPOUSE codebooks, according to the detail below. The codebooks involved were fixed and posted again. Please download the new codebooks or fix your printout.
Variable |
Codebooks |
USDOC1 - USDOCL | MIG, MIGOTHER, LIFE, SPOUSE (codes for these variables in PERS were correct) |